Thursday, October 25, 2007

..(continued)..WReckless Reckers wRecked the Reck

…a bright red flash somewhere near the temporal…and then darkness followed by a long stagnating numbness…

The effectiveness of the subsequent slaps follow the dipping marginal UTILITY curve...

For the knowledge of all those who have never had the experience of slapping or being slapped, let me assure you that the feeling is one of the dirtiest kind, humiliating enough to make you react, to rebel, to revolt… and to cry..
None of us did the above..

The initial feeling of fear and hatred is taken over by a strange sense of relief and happiness…a sense of victory.. the victory of human endurance…

This intense feeling of victory after every session, we went on to realize was what, going to keep us living through the next two months of extreme physical torture and mental trauma. When so many of the batches could survive this ordeal and especially these b@#$$%(our technical fathers) could survive it, so could we, was what that used to run through our minds during each of these sessions.

The room which was supposedly for a single occupant was now almost wet, gruffy and sweat stinking, overcrowded with the 22 bodies, 11 of them heavily worked out.

“That’s all for today” says a voice, the same one which guided us to this secret room.
“This was your technical introduction. ‘Welcome to RECK’. Did you think that we meant it , the last time we made that statement in the official freshers party, you idiots???? Official parties are for official records.. You can never be free until you learn to abide by the rules- the rules that dictate the strength and tradition (sic) of Mahagang warriors. Such sessions will go on for 2 months, 6 months or possibly a year. Your freedom from these and from us depends on how fast you adapt to the RULES and follow them without mistakes….”

The Rules
*Each of you would treat each other like ‘bhai se badkar’.
*Each of you need to know the other’s bio data by heart.
*Each of you need to maintain and carry along with you an Identity card which would be a daily record of your technical length( the length of one’s genitals)
*You are to remain in the same clothes till further instructions at any instance- by day, by night. *You need to be wearing the shoes all the time, even while on bed.
*The eleven of you need to share the same room, the same bed.
*You need to be present in front of us within ten minutes of communication, any hour of the day or night.
*You need to learn and internalize the RECK pledge, the RECK song and the Mahagang aarti.
*None of you know or ever heard of our names.
*None of you know or ever seen our room numbers.
*The bruises on your face and other body parts including rupture of ear drums are the result of freak accidents in the bathroom and the football field.

A new rule gets added every other day and the list of rules keeps piling.

And they surely made sure that we broke the rules most of the time!!!!


At October 31, 2007 at 4:23 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kudos to U! For u managed to survive the ordeal with flying colours!

B/w I would have held U in high regards,had it been a more decriptive display of what all ordeals U had gone through..

Certainly,it would have been akin to a display of ur machismo still revered by the old generation of techies who atleast remember the mahagaan and other important details ,if not their tech conundrums.

For the larger benefit of the techie community ,I urge you to use your creative energies to put in more of ur experiences,which every warrior who has gone through the battleground during his formative years can poignantly remeMber.

At October 31, 2007 at 4:38 AM , Blogger djnair said...

hehe..ok ok...I thought you were an engineer too or are you the one who s still roaming around in chaddis??

At December 7, 2008 at 7:08 PM , Blogger T.K. Ram said...

oh my gosh.. I simply can't beleive how the same set of rules have been passed on over the years and doesn't vary among the various GTs as well... Long live NITK/RECK fundas... long live khokhas :)


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