The Bench.....

Another furtive glance at his Timex - the third time in the last five minutes.. an absent-minded unproductive look, a ritual which he believed would shorten those moments…those moments before he gets to see her…
He had never seen her although he had always felt her close during those long sweet late night pillow-conversations..
She would have been feeling the same- he believed…
Six months is a pretty long time or is it?
He had never seen her although he had always felt her close during those long sweet late night pillow-conversations..
She would have been feeling the same- he believed…
Six months is a pretty long time or is it?
His eyes were fixated at the office gates and were continuously scanning with rapt attention, funneling and filtering the regular outflow…
They, his eyes did not fail him, neither did his thoughts. She looks every bit the same in his thoughts.
He raises his hands and winks at her.
She slowly walks towards him. Her hundred watt smile lights him up and relieves him of his uneasiness.
She doesn’t greet nor does he. They have been too close all the time for all that.
Slowly they walk on to the garden, they had decided earlier on…She hates restaurants..
He feels awkward at his inexperience…She looks confident…
She guides him to a bench at one end.. which happens to be the only one un-occupied then.
“So what do you think of me?”
“What does that mean?”
“I mean do I look the same that you expected?”
“You know that I never expected anything, you idiot!!”…Re-assurances, is it just the women who need them all the time??
“Now.. now.. idiot again?”…
Casually she nudges his shoulders…her first touch..
Encouraged he pulls her to him, his fingers playing with her nails and his face sinking into the sweet aroma of her hair…
They just sit there silently communicating…his fingers tracing hers…talking to them…relishing those moments of togetherness…those few and only moments of the lifetime and companionship on the bench….
PS: Image source
beautifull woven...
shall come back n read the u see ;)
thanks....:) ya i do FEEL...
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