A lone stand....

As I gaze out on to the barren misty fields through the tinted half-open glass window of the company bus,I somehow get this strange feeling of brotherhood and empathy with - as those tall posts carrying the eleven kv lines glide past my vision. Like tall knights, with limbs outstretched and carrying the weight of the ever tense thick strands,they stand braving the odds of the sun, wind and rain- accepting all quietly, never complaining.
In a larger sense most of our lives resemble those towering structures, i wonder?
Like them, we too stand tall - braving it all - braving the fury of nature, of time, the pressures of change,age & society.
Like those knights with outstretched limbs, we stand carrying the weight of those invisible strands- what we call "relationships" - connecting us to others- a few heavy and delicate while quite a many light, hollow and weak.
Like them,powered by those strands, we too stand- our existence forcefully defined by our relations.
Like them,we too stand there not alone, still lonely.
Like them, we too stand there seen "through" and known by all, but understood by none.
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